PITCHER—Will break for first base on ball hit to the right side of the field. When he reads that there will be no play on the hitter at first base, he will break to an area well behind first base, lining himself up with the right fielder and catcher at first base. Will back up the possible throw from the right fielder to the catcher at the bag.
CATCHER—After he reads the base hit to right field, he will break down the first baseline trailing the hitter. He will set up at first base preparing for a possible throw from the right fielder to first base if the runner takes a big turn.
FIRST BASEMAN—After he reads the base hit to right field, he will start walking away from first base to decoy the runner into taking a wide turn around first base.
SECOND BASEMAN—Will go out and become the cut-off man for the right fielder’s throw to second base. He will listen for the first baseman to let him know if the runner is breaking for second base. If he hears nothing from the first baseman, he will cut-off all throws he can handle without waiting for the shortstop to have him cut the ball off. Once he fields the ball, he should quickly turn toward first base and check the runner for a possible play to the catcher on the bag.
THIRD BASEMAN—Will back up the throw from the right fielder or second baseman to the shortstop at second base.
SHORTSTOP—Will cover second base on the base hit to right field preparing for a possible play at the base if the runner attempts to advance. He will help the second baseman get into proper cut-off position. If the first baseman yells “there he goes” he will use the second baseman for his cut-off man.
LEFT FIELDER—Breaks as soon as the ball is hit to back up second base on any throw from the right fielder or second baseman to the shortstop at the base.
CENTER FIELDER—Backs up the right fielder.
RIGHT FIELDER—Fields the ball under control. He will glance toward first base after fielding the ball. If the hitter has taken a wide turn and is either stopped or starting to return to first base, he can throw to the catcher covering the base. He must have eye contact toward second base just prior to releasing the ball. On release of the ball he will look and step toward first base. If there is no play on the hitter rounding first base, or the hitter breaks toward the next base, the right fielder will throw to second base using the second baseman as his cut-off man.

PITCHER—Will break for first base on the single to left field. This is done to allow the first baseman to back up the throw from left field to second base and to prevent the runner from taking an aggressive turn at first base. Will watch the runner touch first base.
CATCHER—After he reads the base hit to left field, he will break for the area behind first base to back up any possible throw from the shortstop, second baseman or left fielder to first base.
FIRST BASEMAN—After he reads a definite base hit with no play at first base, he will move to a position to back up the throw to second base from the left fielder or shortstop. He will watch the runner round first base and if he makes a break for second base he will self “there he goes”. He will say nothing if the runner is not making a break for second base.
SECOND BASEMAN—Will cover second base on the single to left field preparing for a possible play at the base if the runner attempts to advance to second base. Will help the shortstop get into the proper cut-off position if the left fielder fields the ball well away from second base. If the first baseman yells “there he goes” he will use the shortstop for his cut-off man. If he says nothing to the shortstop the ball will come through to the base.
THIRD BASEMAN—After the ball passes him into left field he will cover third base always prepared to move toward second base on a deflected ball.
SHORTSTOP—After the ball goes past him into left field, he will break for the proper cut-off position for the throw to second base. If the first baseman lets him and the second baseman know that the runner is heading toward second base, he will listen for the second baseman for a possible cut-off and throw to second base. If he hears nothing from the second baseman he will let the ball go through to the base. If he hears nothing from the first baseman he will cut-off all throws he can handle without waiting for the second baseman to have him cut the ball off. Once he catches the baseball, he should quickly turn and check the runner rounding first base. If there is a possible play on him at first base, he will throw to the pitcher covering.
LEFT FIELDER—Fields the ball under control and throws to second base. If he hears the first baseman letting the defense know that the runner is heading toward second base he will immediately throw the ball to the base using the cut-off man (shortstop). He will never throw behind the runner rounding first base unless he has come to a complete stop near first base or is heading back toward the bag.
CENTER FIELDER—Backs up the left fielder.
RIGHT FIELDER—Breaks as soon as the ball is hit to back up the first baseman on any possible throw to second base.

PITCHER—Will back up the throw from the center fielder to second base from the area of the mound. If both the shortstop and second baseman both go out for a possible play on the ball, he will have responsibility for second base.
CATCHER—After he reads the base hit to center field, he will break for the area behind first base to back up any possible throw from the center fielder, shortstop or second baseman.
FIRST BASEMAN—Will break for first base on the base hit to center field. Once he sees that there will be no play at the base, he will come to the inside and watch the runner touch the base. Will be responsible for first base if a play is made on the runner by the center fielder, shortstop or second baseman. If the runner makes a break for second base, he will yell “there he goes”. He will say nothing if the runner is not making a break for second base.
SECOND BASEMAN—If the shortstop goes out for the cut-off to second base, he will cover second base. If he goes out for the cut-off, the shortstop will have the base. If both go out the shortstop has priority over the second baseman, who will return to the base. The pitcher will cover second base if both the shortstop and second baseman have a play on the ball away from the bag. If responsible for the base, he will help the shortstop get into proper cut-off position. If the first baseman yells “there he goes” he will use the shortstop for his cut-off man. If he says nothing to the shortstop the ball will come through to the base.
THIRD BASEMAN—On the base hit to center field he will start moving toward second base to cover the base if the shortstop or second baseman go out for a play on the ball. If the pitcher is covering the base, he will move to the mound area to back up the throw to second base. If the pitcher is not covering second base then the third baseman must do so listening for the first baseman to let him know if the runner is breaking toward the base.
SHORTSTOP—If the second baseman goes out for the cut-off to second base, he will cover second base. If he goes out for the cut-off, the second baseman will cover the base. He will have priority over the second baseman if both go out. If responsible for the base, he will help the second baseman get into proper cut-off position listening for the first baseman to let him know if the runner is breaking for second base.
LEFT FIELDER—Backs up the center fielder.
CENTER FIELDER—Fields the ball under control and throws to second base. If he hears the first baseman letting the defense know that the runner is heading toward second base he will immediately throw the ball to the base using the cut-off man if necessary. He will never throw behind the runner rounding first base unless he has come to a complete stop near first base or is heading back toward the bag.
RIGHT FIELDER—Backs up the center fielder.

PITCHER—Will break for an area behind third base to back up the possible throw to third base from the right fielder.
CATCHER—After he reads the base hit to right field with no play at the plate, he will move down the outside of the third baseline to be in a position to recover a deflected ball that the third baseman can not handle. He must be in a position to get back to the plate if a possible play at the plate develops.
FIRST BASEMAN—After he reads the base hit to right field with no play at first base, he will move to the inside of the diamond watching the runner touch first base. He will let the defense know if the runner breaks for second base. He is responsible for first base if a play is made on the batter-runner at first base.
SECOND BASEMAN—As soon as he reads the base hit to right field he will move out a few steps toward the right fielder in case the ball gets by him and he becomes the front man on the tandom relay. As soon as the right fielder comes up with the ball, which will be thrown to the shortstop, the second baseman will immediately break for second base preparing for a possible throw from the shortstop or third baseman on the batter-runner. If the base hit to right field is one in which the runner from first base will not advance to third base, the right fielder will be throwing directly to the shortstop at second base. Once the second baseman sees the shortstop moving toward the bag, he will not be responsible for second base. Will watch the runner touch second base if the right fielder comes up with the ball.
THIRD BASEMAN—As soon as he reads the base hit to right field, he will set up at third base for a possible throw from the right fielder to third base. He will help the shortstop get into proper cut-off position. If the ball comes through to third base he will look to second base for a possible play at the base on the batter-runner.
SHORTSTOP—Will serve as the cut-off man for a possible throw from the right fielder to third base. Will listen for the third baseman for a possible cut-off to third base or to second base. If the base hit to right field is one in which the runner from first base will not advance to third base, the right fielder will be throwing to the shortstop at second base hoping to have a play on the runner rounding the base too far. The shortstop would break for second base on this play just as the right fielder’s arm starts forward.
LEFT FIELDER—As soon as the ball is hit to right field he will break to a position backing up the throw from the right fielder to either the shortstop or second baseman at second base.
CENTER FIELDER—Backs up the right fielder. When the ball is fielded by the right fielder he will break for a position behind second base to back up a possible throw at that base from the shortstop or third baseman.
RIGHT FIELDER—Fields the ball so that he can make a play at third base if the runner attempts to advance. He will use the shortstop for his cut-off man. If the base hit to right field is one in which the runner from first base will not advance to third base, he will throw to the shortstop at second base for a possible play on the runner rounding the bag. If in doubt about the runner’s intention to advance or not, he will throw the ball to third base even if the shortstop is moving toward second base. He will not have a cut-off man in this situation.

PITCHER—Will break for an area behind third base to back up the possible throw to third base from the left fielder.
CATCHER—After he reads the base hit to left field with no play at the plate, he will move to a position in foul territory on the third base side to back up a wild throw to third base. His primary responsibility is to cover the plate if the runner advances on a bad throw to third base.
FIRST BASEMAN—After he reads the base hit to left field with no play at first base, he will move to the outside of the baseline watching the hitter touch first base. If the ball is thrown by the left fielder to second base he will back up the throw from the infield side while the right fielder backs up the throw from the outfield side. He will let the defense know if runner breaks for second base.
SECOND BASEMAN—As soon as he reads the base hit to left field with no force play at second base on the runner from first base, he will come in from the first base side of second base preparing for a possible throw from the left fielder. This play would be on the runner rounding second base when the left fielder feels that he has a chance to make the play at second base. If the runner heads for third base, the second baseman will set up at second base for a possible throw from the shortstop or third baseman on the batter-runner. Is responsible to watch the runner touch second base. He will let the third baseman know if the runner breaks for third base.
THIRD BASEMAN—As soon as he reads the base hit to left field he will set up at third base for a possible throw from the left fielder to third base. He will help the shortstop get into the proper cut-off position. If the ball comes through to third base he will look to second base for a possible play at the base on the batter-runner.
SHORTSTOP—Will serve as the cut-off man for the possible throw from the left fielder to third base. Will listen to the third baseman for a possible cut-off to third base or to second base. If no play at third base, he needs to check the runner rounding second base for a possible play to the second baseman.
LEFT FIELDER—Fields the ball so that he can make a play at third base if the runner attempts to advance. Will use the shortstop for his cut-off man. If the runner from first base takes a wide turn at second base he can throw to the second baseman at the bag coming in from the first base side of the base. He must be sure that the runner can not advance to third base on his throw behind the runner at second. If there is no play at second base and the runner is not advancing to third base, he will throw the ball immediately to the shortstop in cut-off position.
CENTER FIELDER—Backs up the left fielder.
RIGHT FIELDER—Breaks as soon as the ball is hit to back up the possible throw from the left fielder, shortstop or third baseman to second base. If ball goes through to third base he must quickly get to the position in line with the third baseman’s possible throw to second base.

PITCHER—Will break for an area behind third base to back up the possible throw to third base from the center fielder.
CATCHER—After he reads the base hit to center field with no play at the plate, he will move to the infield side of the plate to back up the possible throw from the center fielder to the second baseman at second base. He must be in a position to get back to the plate if the throw goes through to third base.
FIRST BASEMAN—After he reads the base hit to center field with no play at first base, he will move to the inside of the diamond watching the runner touch first base. He will let the defense know if the runner breaks for second base. Is responsible for first base if a play is made on the batter-runner at first base. If he sees both the shortstop and second baseman going out for a short fly ball, he is responsible to cover second base.
SECOND BASEMAN—As soon as he reads the base hit to center field with no force play at second base, he will move to the inside of the diamond and cover second base preparing for a possible throw from the center fielder. This play would be on the runner rounding second base when the center fielder throws behind the runner. If the runner heads for third base with the center fielder throwing to third base, the second baseman will set up at second base for a possible throw from the shortstop or third baseman on the batter-runner. He is responsible to watch the runner touch second base.
THIRD BASEMAN—As soon as he reads the base hit to center field, he will set up at third base for a possible throw from the center fielder to third base. He will help the shortstop get into proper cut-off position. If the ball comes through to third base he will look to second base for a possible play at the base on the batter-runner.
SHORTSTOP—Will serve as the cut-off man for a possible throw from the center fielder to third base. Will listen for the third baseman for a possible cut-off to third base or to second base. If no play at third base, he needs to check the runner rounding second base for a possible play to the second baseman.
LEFT FIELDER—Backs up the center fielder.
CENTER FIELDER—Fields the ball so that he can make a play at third base if the runner attempts to advance. Will use the shortstop for his cut-off man. If the runner from first base takes a wide turn at second base he can throw to the second baseman at the bag. The second baseman will be covering second base coming from the inside of the diamond. He must be sure that the runner can not advance to third base on his throw behind the runner at second. If there is no play at second base and the runner is not advancing to third base, he will throw the ball immediately to the shortstop in cut-off position.
RIGHT FIELDER—As soon as the ball is hit to center field he will break to back up the center fielder. When the center fielder fields the ball, he will break for a position behind second base backing up any possible overthrow to second base from the shortstop or third baseman.